About Orange Triangles

The Orange Triangles team is a small group of outdoor enthusiasts from the United States and Europe. Some of our team are adult skiers who are only now transitioning into the intermediate trails. In graduating to the blue trails we found that they range wildly from steep and scary to simply narrow or through a grove of trees. We started Orange Triangles to track and document the blues that are the best next step after we’ve grown out of the green trails and looking for our next adventure while remaining safe.

You are an Orange Triangle skier if you can handle the greens, you can turn both directions, can slow and stop through turns and not only “pizza”, and you wanna explore more or get some speed!

Please consider donating to Orange Triangles so we can find more friends and map out more mountains to find you the best Orange Triangle trails for your next ski trip

Click on the map below to find the Orange Triangle trails at your favorite mountain, or click on Our Friends page to tell us where your Orange Triangles are or where you’d like us to go next!